Level Up: Be your own fan!

Hey, loves. I am thrilled to talk about this topic with you today because it is très importante for the rest of your "level up" experience. Over the last few days, the issue of self-doubt/condemnation has weaved its way into the sermons I've been hearing, YouTube videos I've been watching, and conversations I've been having. So, obvi I just knew that God wants me to make a lifestyle change as we move into 2019 and share what He's taught me with you all, as well. 

Let me tell you something major: you can not be your own worst enemy and still expect to live in your purpose. Self-deprecation is not cute and is the first step toward living a life that brings no honor to God and no fulfillment for yourself. Trust me, last year, my self-confidence was at a low point. There are few feelings worse than looking in the mirror and not even being able to hold eye-contact with the person staring back at you. 

Today's entry is titled, "Be your own fan" because if there's one thing that I've learned, it's that if you don't love yourself, no one else can. Think about it, even when surrounded by people who love you deeply, if you don't love yourself, you most likely have a hardened heart and a bitter attitude. You won't believe their words of encouragement and endearment if you are so busy condemning yourself that you don't even take the time to listen and be touched. Alternatively, if it feels like you don't have a support group around you, you have to hold yourself up until the right people arrive to beautify your life. Just because it seems as though other people want you to be down doesn't mean you actually should be!

This year is a fresh start to begin a journey of self-love (stay tuned for a post coming eventually on self-love vs self-centeredness). Get to know yourself and love who you are. Find out your strengths and weaknesses. See what you like and don't like. Take yourself as you are, learn to love all of you, and then grow and learn. You can't build a better you if you don't love yourself enough to stick to the journey.

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