Level Up: Who's in Your Circle?

I've touched on this subject a little bit in a past post titled, "3 Things You Need to Let Go of to Succeed in Your Career"

The human spirit desires companionship. This has been the case since Adam. People want to feel loved, cherished, and a part of a group. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this desire. Being surrounded by amazing people can really propel you into a positive, healthy lifestyle. Not only can it can take you to the next level, it's just, overall, a huge and happy blessing.

Which is why it is absolutely crucial that you choose to associate yourself with individuals of substance. These kind of people have something good to offer and ultimately, make your life more enjoyable. They bring peace, progress, and encouragement instead of drama, obstacles, and negativity. They make you a better person!

People without substance can have just as much of an impact in your life. My parents used to tell me all the time: "It doesn't matter how good and of quality you are, if you associate with bad people, you will become one of them." Interestingly enough, 1 Cor. 15:33 says the exact same thing. The truth is, light and darkness can never abide in the same place. You cannot surround yourself with obstructive people and expect to move forward. What? That is the equivalent of putting a boot on your tire and expecting the car to move... it literally can't. The more you surround yourself with bad characters, the more you will become like them and there's really no way around it. You become who admire and what you tolerate. Don't keep people in your crew who will make life harder for you. You don't need that. 

Often times, we seem to be afraid to let people go. Sometimes, we don't want to hurt feelings. Other times, we just don't realize the damaging effects that some relationships are having on our lives and therefore, we tolerate their presence. I've done it, you've done it, we've all done it. Nevertheless, just because you've done it before does not mean you need to do it again. I implore you to let go of people who bring trouble with them; and by "let go", I mean cut them off, kick them out, run as far as your little legs can carry you, etc. Don't be shy or sensitive about it. There's nothing to be timid about! Do what is best for you and your life. Remove people who don't need to be in it. At the end of the day, being firm and selective in the energy you let into your world is crucial for your own journey. Don't bend for any negative influences. 

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