What to do When Nothing's Really Happening

So, it looks like you've "followed all the rules" that the experts have given you. You've prayed, stayed positive, made a vision board, put in hard work, spoke good things into the universe, etc. Yet, you're still here. You might feel like no real progress has been done. It feels like nothing is  happening despite all of  those tips and tricks you've performed.

The question that so frustratingly remains is: What now? What do I do now that I've tried everything I can to get the desires of heart answered and brought into fruition? What do I do now that plan A doesn't seem to be going anywhere and plan B isn't developed? What do I do now that I am so desperately wanting to see the results that I want, but can't?

You wait in patience.

You what?

Yeah, hun. You have to wait. If you're like me, just hearing the word "wait" alone is equivalent to receiving a life-sentence of solitary confinement, or something. Dramatic? Yes, but it's the best way I can put it. It strikes me to my core and drives my impatience even more through the roof. I do not love waiting. Nevertheless, do I own the universe? Do I tell the stars, the moon, and the sun where to go and shine? Do I tell the waves of the ocean to toss wherever I want them to go?

Ha! No. I don't make the rules around here like that. In my life, God is the author and finisher of my faith. Sometimes, you can only pray so much, make so many vision boards, listen to so many motivational speeches before you realize that you've done all you can do. You get to a point where you're thinking: "Yo, God isn't deaf and I'm kind of tired of talking now... so.."

Could that be the sweet spot? Do you agree? It might be true. I'm not sure but let's think about it. First, you've already done all you can do but has God started to do all He can do yet? If you're still looking around and waiting for things to happen, my guess is that God is not finished with you yet. There is more coming!

Imagine this case scenario: a roller-coaster trying to make it's way up a hill. On its way up the side, the cars needs to work against gravity to progress to the top. It uses a lot of energy and chugs its way slowly, but steadily up the hill. Okay, now it's at the top. Finally; but wait! There's a couple seconds where the coaster has paused and is just kind of sitting at the top. A lot of suspense is building; it's slightly uncomfortable. What now? Well, you can't just stop roller-coaster, you're on top of the hill, duh. Now, you wait for a second. You ponder what is to come and your heart beats a little faster. You might get a little giddy. For a moment, all is a little quiet; waiting for the adventure to come. Some are happy and excited, while others question their judgement and decision to get on the ride. Either way, it's happening. Finally, after a second of waiting- the ride begins! Who can stop that roller-coaster now? Pretty much no one. Especially when you consider the fact that the coaster is running off of some serious momentum. It's nearly impossible to stop it!

I hope you see what I'm getting at here (because I don't like my posts to be too long🤣). The quietness and suspense is not dead time. It's not the time to give up. It's not the time to listen to foolish opinions that told you that you couldn't do it. It's not the time to sulk. It IS the time to keep going. It IS the time to take a mini breather before things take off and you don't have as much free time anymore because you're busy working in your purpose. It IS the time to meet with God now more than ever because it's a really crucial time. You want to get over that hill!

[Side note: Trust me. You want to get over the hill. I've seen a rollercoaster that literally just broke down at the top of the hill while I was on a summer camp trip once. Yeah, it was pretty awkward to witness. The best part is that I had just gotten kicked off that particular ride because my friend and I had managed to slip through without our heights being checked and without her mom noticing we were going on that ride. Nevertheless, the workers that check your seat belts caught us. On top of that, her mom found out we were on the ride and was standing right there at the front with the teenager who awkwardly had to call our FULL names to get off the ride. All the others kids starting laughing and saying "Ohhh you're in trouble." It was embarrassing.We went down to the rest of the park to watch what we were missing while we ate our lunch. The coaster got to the top and just stopped. Froze. I was on my fifth chicken tender when the emergency operators came to get them. Ha!]

Hopefully, you made it to the end of this passage and were able to get a word of encouragement and a laugh!

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