A Week of Thanks Day 6: Closure

Not knowing is a pain. Depending on the situation at hand, it may feel like a failure. It is a discomfort to our hearts and souls. There is the bitter gnawing at our thoughts day in day out. We replay situations over and over. We think about what we should have done differently. Why certain things happened. How people can be so ugly. How we can lose so much control in such a short amount of time. We've all been there.

But today, I am grateful for closure. I want to take this opportunity to remind you that closure occurs in a multitude of ways. An exit interview is rarely involved. To me, closure is moving on. It is being able to take even one lesson out of it that helps you to understand why it happened. Fulfilling the craving of an apology or revenge is not closure if it does not free you in the end. Closure is closing that chapter and leaving it behind. It does not follow you or take up energy and resources of the mind. It is simply- closed.

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